About "News"

What is this page all about?

As you would expect this page is a mobile mmo, mmorpg and multiplayer online news. We write different kinds of articles related to mobile gaming, and mobile gaming gadgets that you can buy on various websites. We also make top lists, and rank lists for best mobile mmo and mmorpg games. We try often try games on emulators so we also try to keep track of the best emulators on market. The mobile phones we use are usually not a top end mobile phones but instead budgest since this is a very new site. However using a budget phones gives better insight into actual games we play, since nobody wants to kill thei phone with useless gaming. Apart from that we have plans to write articles about every upcoming game, or gamees that have been canceles. also we try and keep try of games that went free to play, or showcased projects in various events.

Is everything you write here is your own?

No. For a lot of articles we will be linking to external sites, since our main goal is not writing, but listing and rating. The most important feature of our website is gamelist. We hope to give you the most honest ranking, thus not sparing too much time on writing. However we research the most interesting articles, or the most important ones and give links to their website here. We think that a good read should always be advertised.

News section all about mobile mmorpg?

For the most part yes. We think mobile mmorpg needs the most coverage, since those projects are huge and usually gives huge ammounts of content. However from time to time if we see a MOBA or Battle Royale, or even different kind of game that looks promising or is being developed by a big company, we will post about it here too.

what are these sections?

There are two main sections

Left side is for Game news which is going to cover new mobile MMO and MMORPG games. It will mostly be articles about upcoming games, or about games going free to play, or games that are being canceled.

The right side is Other kinds of articles, like top 10 casual multiplayer games, or top mobile mmorpg games and so on. We will be posting much more top lists in the future since after trying so many games we think we have enough knowledge to make quality top lists. Also other articles will feature articles that we wanted to write for you, that would be helpull withgames. mosly about technology but sometimes also guides into games and such.

Teletappie mobile MMO, MMORPG and Multiplayer Online game news

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